SHELBYVILLE, INDIANA, July 11 — The Seton Route Pilgrims finished their four days among the various Churches in All Saints Parish in the Guilford area of southeast Indiana and journeyed to Shelbyville, closer to the final destination of the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage in Indianapolis.
Their day began with Mass at St. Martin Parish in Yorkville for the feast of St. Benedict of Nursia, founder of western monasticism and co-patron of Europe. The Mass was celebrated by Seton Route chaplain Father Roger Landry and concelebrated by Seton Chaplain Father Giuseppe Siniscalchi, CFR, as well as Father Jonathan Meyer, Father John Hollowell and Father Michael Clawson of All Saints Parish.
Father Landry also gave the homily in which he focused on what St. Benedict, whom the Church celebrates on July 11, wrote in his rule about the "school of the Lord's service" and how he instructs the Benedictines and everyone else to "put nothing about the work of God" (prayer, more specifically the Liturgy of the Mass and of the Hours) and to "put nothing whatsoever above Christ." Both, he said, refer to Christ in the Mass and in the liturgy.
He then pondered two other major lessons in the school of the Lord's service which is the Christian life and the Church. The first is the crucial importance of divine filiation, of our being loved by God, which God spoke about through the Prophet Hosea in the first reading, despite all of Israel's sins. The second is about the way the Lord transforms us to bring his kingdom to others through helping them to know God's providence and healing by the way we live.
After Mass, the PIlgrims had breakfast at the Parish's Ars Cafe, an outreach initiative, in which they were joined by Father Meyer and had a chance to say thanks for his and Father Hollowell's leadership as pastors in solidum of All Saints Parish and its three associated parishes.
After breakfast, the Seton Route pilgrims returned to St. Martin's Parish for benediction and then they made a pilgrimage adoring Jesus in their Pilgrimage support van to St. Vincent Parish in Shelbyville, where they led a procession through the parish cemetery before a Holy Hour in the Church. During the Holy Hour Father Landry gave a reflection on St. Vincent de Paul and his interior Eucharistic conversion, Father Giuseppe, CFR, gave a reflection on the power of God's words in creation and consecration, and pilgrim Dominic Carstens gave a testimony on the life-changing moments of the pilgrimage until now.
Later the Pilgrims drove Jesus to the Church of St. Joseph in Shelbyville for a Eucharistic Encounter in the Church where pilgrims Amarayni Higueldo in Spanish and Marina Frattaroli in English gave testimonies as part of the launch of a 40 hour devotion in the parish.