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Day 6: Through Westchester County and Torrential Rain

YONKERS, NY, May 23 — The National Eucharistic PIlgrimage had an unforgettable journey walking with the Eucharistic Jesus across Westchester County, from Port Chester to Yonkers.

After a very prayerful and joyous first hour, torrential downpours began. The monstrance containing Jesus was covered with a huge umbrella but many of the pilgrims were not. As soon as they accustomed themselves to being drenched, however, it became an opportunity to renew their baptismal promises as they fulfilled Ezekiel's prophecy of eventually having the trickle of water flowing from the right side of the temple become a river through which they would almost need to swim.

Upon arriving at St. Pius X Parish in Scarsdale, pilgrims were able to put their socks and some other apparel in the parish's rectory's dryer to have them ready for the next leg of the journey, as they adored the Lord Jesus in the beautiful adoration chapel of the parish.

From there, they were joined by Msgr. Luke Sweeney, pastor of Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish in Scarsdale, who carried the Lord in procession from St. Pius X to the parish where he pastors. The procession stopped along the way several times close to IHM parish as Msgr. Sweeney blessed particular parishioners in need.

Archdiocese of New York's Overview of the Day 6 (Day 2 in the Archdiocese)

At Immaculate Heart of Mary, there was a period of extended adoration before Father Roger Landry, chaplain to the Seton Route, gave a meditation on Mary's Eucharistic Heart.

After Benediction by Msgr. Sweeney, pilgrim Father Stephen Rooney carried the Blessed Sacrament to Immaculate Conception Parish in Tuckahoe, where, after an hour of adoration inside the Church, there was benediction on a beautiful outdoor altar surrounded by hundreds of faithful.

Next pilgrims walked with the Lord on the final leg of the journey to St. Joseph's Seminary in Yonkers, popularly called Dunwoodie, where they were met by Bishop Gerard Colacicco, organizer of the National Revival Pilgrimage in the Archdiocese of New York, Bishop James Massa, rector of St. Joseph's seminary, seminarians and faculty. At night there was a three-hour period of adoration featuring talks by Fr. Ignatius Scweitzer, OP, Fr. John Cush and Fr. Charles.

Video of Arrival at Dunwoodie

Photos of Day 6

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