FAIRFIELD, CT, May 20 — The Parish and School of St. Thomas (Aquinas) in Fairfield Connecticut, hosted the National Eucharist Pilgrimage for two hours of Eucharistic adoration in a packed Church.
Father David Roman, pastor of St. Thomas, received the Blessed Sacrament from Father Roger Landry at the entrance of St. Thomas church and processed on in amidst students singing accompanied by the organ.
After singing O Salutaris, some silence and a Eucharistic hymn by sixth graders, Father Roger Landry, chaplain to the Seton Route, gave a brief talk to the students and their parents about the parish's patron, Saint Thomas Aquinas, and the Eucharistic Revival.
Father Landry mentioned that the National Eucharistic Revival is coincided with a Thomistic triennium marking the 700th anniversary of St. Thomas' canonization in 2023, the 750th anniversary of his death and birth into eternal life in 2024 (March 7), and the 800th anniversary of his birth in 2025.
Landry, one of 56 National Eucharistic Preachers, said that St. Thomas is the greatest teacher and poet of the Blessed Sacrament in the history of the Church. Landry focused on three of St. Thomas' sayings in his Eucharistic hymns that he said young people and all Catholics needs to ponder to live the Eucharistic Revival well.
The first saying was "Credo quidquid dixit Dei Filius," from St. Thomas' Adoro Te Devote. "I believe whatever the Son of God has said" gives us the why we believe in the Eucharist, because Jesus himself said it. This shows one way we're called to grow in Eucharistic knowledge.
The second saying is from Thomas' Sacris Solemnis' fifth verse, commonly known as the Panis Angelicus, wherein Thomas writes, "O res mirabilis, manducat Dominum pauper et servus humilis." "O what a wondrous reality: a poor and human servant eats the Lord." One of the things the Revival is trying to spur is a growth in Eucharistic amazement and gratitude.
The third saying is from Thomas' Corpus Christi sequence, the Lauda Sion Salvatorem, in which the Angelic Doctor said, with regard to our response to the Eucharist, "Quantum potes, tantum aude!" "Dare to do all you can" because everything we try to do will be insufficient to thank God for the gift of the Eucharist.
To listen to Father Landry's reflection for the school children and their parents, please click here.