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The Eucharistic Heart of Mary

SCARSDALE, NY, May 23, 2024 — On the sixth day of the Seton Route of the National Eucharistic Plgrimage, after traversing torrential downpours to get to St. Pius X Parish in Scarsdale, Msgr. Luke Sweeney, pastor of Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish in Scarsdale met the pilgrims and carried the Lord in procession to his parish, stopping to bless various parishioners from their windows and yards as pilgrims journeyed.

At his parish, there was a half hour of adoration before Father Roger Landry, chaplain to the Seton Route, gave a meditation.

Fr. Landry has been giving Eucharistic commentaries based on the patron saint of the particular parishes the pilgrims are visiting.

At Immaculate Heart of Mary, he spoke about Mary's Eucharistic Heart and how God wishes us to have a heart like Mary to receive his Eucharistic love, remain in it and pour it out.

To listen to his homily, please click here.

(Photo credit to Alan Zale)

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