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Video Interview: Currents TV with Zoe Dongas


Air date June 6, 2024

Currents TV Brooklyn (Original Link)

Pilgrims have been walking for almost three weeks now on their way to Indianapolis for the first National Eucharistic Congress in 83 years.

Among those pilgrims is Zoe Dongas.

She works in the Office of Young Adult Outreach in the Archdiocese of New York and is walking the entire way.

We checked in with her today along the route at the National Shrine of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton in Maryland.

The pilgrimage is making its way through Maryland, D.C., Pennsylvania, and Ohio, and will eventually end up in Indianapolis for the National Congress.

There are four routes bringing pilgrims from four corners of the country to the Congress.

In all, they are traveling 6,500 miles, and passing through 65 dioceses in the 60 days leading to the Indianapolis event, which runs for five days beginning on July 17th.

Stay with Currents News for updates about the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage and Congress.

If you want to read more about the event, just go to EUCHARISTICREVIVAL.ORG.

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